Project Overview

Case Study

This AI-powered note-taking app was built using a combination of Next.js, TypeScript, TailwindCSS, and the ChatGPT API to deliver an advanced, intelligent note-taking experience. A key challenge arose when Pinecone updated its API to a cloud environment, which required refactoring the existing codebase to align with the new requirements. I addressed this by updating the pinecone.ts file and synchronizing the project with the latest dependencies, ensuring seamless compatibility and robust performance.

The app highlights my ability to overcome technical challenges, particularly in adapting to evolving APIs and technologies. I demonstrated expertise in integrating AI features, such as intelligent document retrieval with vector embeddings, and implementing user-centric functionality, including a light/dark theme toggle and secure user authentication with Clerk. The result is a modern, fully mobile-responsive application that showcases my strengths as a web developer committed to delivering high-quality, adaptable solutions.

Technologies Used

Next.jsReactTailwind CSSTypeScriptChatGPT APIVercelPineconeVector EmbeddingsClerkShadcn UI